QuadraNet's new API is accessed via HTTPs POST requests. All requests require the following parameters:
@api_key: API key used to authenticate, generated from the Account Management services page.

Unless otherwise stated, all requests return a JSON object/array, with a key named "data" which contains the return array.
Unless otherwise stated, all API functions require at least "View" level access to "Devices" in the contact's permissions.

If there is an error with the request, it will return with a key named "error" with a string describing the error.
Some requests which can have specific error information about individual items will instead have a key "errors" within the data array, indexed by id, describing each individual error.

All "list" type functions have the following optional parameters:
limit: max number of results to return (for pagination purposes)
offset: start at this result (for pagination purposes), will be ignored if limit is not specified

Legend (not included in actual parameter names):
Parameters prefixed with @: required parameter
Parameters suffixed with []: parameter is an array

Content-type should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Quick PHP Example

function do_api_post($url$post = array()) {
$api_key 'API_KEY_GOES_HERE';
$post['api_key'] = $api_key;
$post_content http_build_query($post);
$context_opts = array(
'http'  => array(
'method'            => 'POST',
'header'            => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'."\r\n".'Connection: close',
'content'            => $post_content,
'timeout'            => 5.0,
'follow_location'    => false,
'max_redirects'        => 0,

$context stream_context_create($context_opts);
$data file_get_contents($urlfalse$context);
$json = @json_decode($data);

    if (
$json === NULL)

// API Request Parameters
$post = array(
'device_id'        => 1337,

// Do the API Request
$data do_api_post('https://services.quadranet.com/api/device/info'$post));
All Device API functions are accessible at: https://services.quadranet.com/api/device/API_Function

All power related device functions require "Edit" level access to "Devices".

Device Information

info Get details about a device or devices


  • device_id: device ID/label or array of device IDs
  • detail: 1 to give more details about the requested device(s)
  • credentials: 1 to return the authentication credentials for the requested device(s)


  • Returns an array of devices indexed by device id

list List devices that the contact has access to


  • detail: 1 to give more details about the device(s)
  • credentials: 1 to return the authentication credentials for the device(s)


  • Returns an array of devices indexed by device id

bwgraph Generate a bandwidth graph for a device


  • @device_id: device ID or label to get graph for
  • period: period of time for graph, one of: hour, day, week, month, lastmonth, year, lastyear
  • start: if not using period, start time for graph (unix timestamp or string)
  • end: if not using period, end time for graph (unix timestamp or string)
  • port: interface to get graph for (eth0, eth1, etc)
  • title: custom title to use at the top of the graph
  • width: width of graph to generate
  • height: height of graph to generate
  • base64: if set to 1, will return a json array with "graph" key that contains base64 encoded PNG image


  • Directly returns a PNG image of the device BW graph on success (no json), unless supplied with base64 parameter, or standard json error response on failure.

Power Functions

power_status Get the power status of a device


  • device_id: device ID or label to get power status of


  • An array mapping power port to power state, 0 for off, 1 for on

power_cycle Reboot a device by power cycling it


  • device_id: device ID or label to reboot


  • An empty array on success

power_on Power on a device


  • device_id: device ID or label to power on


  • An empty array on success

power_off Power off a device


  • device_id: device ID or label to power off


  • An empty array on success

IP Functions

list_nulls List your IPs that are currently nulled


  • -


  • An array with information about ips that are currently nulled, key nulled_ips contains ip to nulled reason mapping

null_ip Null an IP


  • ip: IP address to null
  • reason: reason for null


  • An empty array on success

unnull_ip Unnull a currently nulled IP


  • ip: IP address to unnull
  • reason: reason for unnull


  • An empty array on success
All DNS API functions are accessible at: https://services.quadranet.com/api/dns/API_Function

Forward DNS

domains Get a list of all domains


  • name: list domains that match a name, wildcards supported
  • sort_by: zone (default), serial, primary_ns
  • sort_direction: ascending = 1 (default), decending = 0
  • limit & offset: see general tab


  • Returns a list of zones/domains

list Get list of records from a domain (indexed by record id)


  • @zone: zone name to get records for (ex: example.com)
  • host: exact host to get records for (ex: www)
  • search: treat host parameter is a glob match = 1, normal lookup = 0
  • type: type of records to list (ex: A)
  • limit & offset: see general tab


  • Returns an array of DNS records, indexed by record id

records Return records specified by zone and record id


  • @zone: zone name to get records for (ex: example.com))
  • @records[]: array of record ids


  • Returns an array of DNS records, indexed by record id

new Create new DNS records for a zone


  • @zone: zone name to create new records for (ex: example.com)
  • @records[]: array of records to create
    • @type: record type (A, AAAA, CNAME, DNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SPF, SRV, TXT)
    • @host: hostname of record (ex: www)
    • @data: record data (ex:
    • ttl: record Time To Live in seconds, defaults to 3600
    • priority: record priority, only for MX and SRV records
    • weight: record weight, only for SRV records
    • port: port number, only for SRV records


  • If there are any errors with a record, they will be within an "errors" key and no changes will have been made, otherwise an empty array on success

update Update existing DNS records in a zone


  • @zone: zone name to update records for (ex: example.com)
  • @records[]: array of records to update (indexed by record id)
    • host: hostname of record (ex: www)
    • data: record data (ex:
    • ttl: record Time To Live in seconds, defaults to 3600
    • priority: record priority, only for MX and SRV records
    • weight: record weight, only for SRV records
    • port: port number, only for SRV records


  • If there are any errors with a record, they will be within an "errors" key and no changes will have been made, otherwise an empty array on success

delete Delete DNS records from a zone


  • @zone: zone name to delete records from (ex: example.com)
  • @records[]: array of records ids to delete


  • If there are any errors with a record, they will be within an "errors" key and no changes will have been made, otherwise an empty array on success

Reverse DNS

list_rdns List Reverse DNS records


  • cidr: an ip/netmask to get rdns entries for, if no CIDR is specified, it will return a list of availiable CIDRs, if set to "ungrouped", it will return rdns entries for all ips that do not belong to any CIDR.
  • limit & offset: see general tab


  • Returns an array of ip indexed reverse dns entries, or a list of CIDRs if no CIDR is specified

update_rdns Update Reverse DNS records


  • ips[]: associative array of rdns indexed by ip
  • Example:
        'ips' => [
            '' => 'reverse.example.com',
            '' => 'reverse2.example.com'


  • If there are any errors with a record, they will be within an "errors" key (indexed by ip) and no changes will have been made, otherwise an empty array on success


new_zone Create a new zone


  • @zone: name of zone to create
  • ipv4: IPv4 IP to use for premade records, optional
  • ipv6: IPv6 IP to use for premade records, optional
  • www: 1 to create www records from ipv4/ipv6 ips supplied, 0 to not
  • mail: 1 to create mail records from ipv4/ipv6 ips supplied (and an MX record), 0 to not
  • ftp: 1 to create ftp records from ipv4/ipv6 ips supplied, 0 to not


  • An empty array on success

delete_zone Delete zone


  • @zone: name of zone to delete


  • An empty array on success